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Hello, this is Elliott. And this is my reaction to The Witch’s Farmiliar

Okay so this episode was pretty much equally as amazing as last week’s. I absolutely loved it. It had a great plot, it took some of the characters to lengths that they hadn’t been to before, it had some great moments and it revealed a lot about the show’s greatest villains.

Okay just one question; was it just me that only just realised that the Supreme Dalek had three glass case thingies on it’s dome? I dunno I never realised.

Oh and also I think my Cult of Skaro theory might’ve been wrong, although I didn’t see the black cased Dalek at the end so I might’ve been right and they might’ve split using emergency temporal shift. I don’t know it’s possible.

Also Missy is sooooo not dead. But it is nice that she gave us a big hint of that this time. I did like her in this episode. Her unpredictability reminded me of DeadPool more than ever in this episode.

Okay, so the big thing about this was the Dalek casing. That part of the story was absolutely awesome. It was so interesting to see. We’ve been watching the Daleks since only the second episode of the series. And we’ve never gotten into the basics of the Daleks this much ever before. Also, the fact that Clara was the first character to control a Dalek Travel machine, that wasn’t one of Davros’ experiments, is pretty awesome since she’s become an amazing character. But anyway, it was so beautifully interesting to see the fact that Daleks literally only show hate. Also that they say EXTERMINATE to reload. Also I loved the way that Missy said “Cybermen repress emotion, Daleks channel it through a gun” it was so awesome to see the comparison between the Doctor’s two most infamous foes.

Oh and the “mercy” concept was very cool. Although, was it just me that thought back to when the stone Dalek was screaming for mercy back in The Big Bang? It was awesome to see how the Doctor thought it out.

Okay so is it just me that thought that Davros was blind? Huh, apparently not. Although I loved how Davros managed to trick the Doctor. It was very awesome and clever and I actually bought it. Even though I saw that Davros planned something with his servant I actually thought Davros was serious. Who knew Davros was such a great actor?

Oh and the way that they used that scene from the end of the last episode at the end of this was very clever. When I was watching I was wondering when it would come into play. It was done well though, that’s for sure.

Also, the plot was very interesting. The Daleks never dying and remaining in the sewers was an awesome thing (it kinda reminded me of Torchwood: Miracle Day to be honest). I really love how Doctor Who shows us things that are important later. Like, I wouldn’t have guessed that that was how the Doctor was gonna win but it was set up so well that I was distracted from that until it came and then I reacted like “Oh yeah!”

Overall, this episode was very good and this two parter was a very amazing start to the series. I am very impressed and I’m excited for the rest of the series.

And also, this was just my scribbled reaction, which is why it’s so unorganised. Sorry.

Thanks for reading 🙂